safety & risk management

personal fitness

A reasonable to good level of fitness is essential to enjoy the walk / mountain bike ride and for your personal safety. Ensure you have plenty of water to drink whilst walking/biking to avoid dehydration or sunstroke.

You should carry a sun hat to wear on hot days, and a warm hat and clothing (preferably woolen) for cold days. Sensible worn-in walking/biking boots or shoes are essential.

You should carry a small first aid kit with basic medical supplies for blisters, headaches, insect bites,… & any other personal medical needs.

A Rescue Fee of $200 is payable if we have to transport you out due to personal injury or illness preventing you from completing the Track.

Inherent High Country Hazards

There will be streams to cross, uneven ground to walk/ride over, and rocky or shingly, and steep areas, that may be slippery especially when going downhill.

Some native bushes, grasses and matagouri have prickles or thorns that can cause minor scratches.

Insects such as sandflies can be a nuisance especially beside bushy streams.

You may hear possums chatting at night! And you may see the occasional wild pig or chamois on your walk/ride – all of whom also enjoy our wonderful environment!

The weather

The weather can be very changeable in the high country so you must carry the appropriate clothing for both hot and cold conditions. Be prepared and check the weather forecast for the 4 days of your trip in advance. The safety of you, the walker / mountain biker, is paramount. If weather conditions become unsafe to walk/bike, then Four Peaks High Country Track Ltd. will close the Track. Only when conditions are deemed safe will the Track be re-opened.

We suggest that when planning your trip, you try not to have any pressing engagements to attend to immediately following your trip. This would allow for any unprecedented weather changes or personal injuries, however unlikely, that could cause a delay in completing the trip within the scheduled time.

cell phone reception

If you need to make outside contact, cell phone reception is available at the passes and high points along the Track, but unavailable at the Huts.


A portable two-way radio is given to each group to carry with you, to be used in case of emergency. A two-way radio is also installed in two of the huts, in case of emergency and for you to let us know that your party has arrived safely each evening. Emergency procedures will be outlined at the Briefing on arrival and check-in at Four Peaks High Country Track office.

safety & risk management

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Supplied by SPF.